Adventum Solutions

We, at Adventum Solutions, respect and understand your privacy.

Adventum Solutions Pvt. Ltd. respects and is committed to your privacy. You can view our web site without divulging any personal information about yourself. We have created this privacy statement to disclose what happens with the personal information you provide to us through this process.

There are times when it is important for us to request information from you. Such requests may be part of registration, feedback, online surveys, contests, and/or order forms. At no time, Adventum Solutions will sell, trade, and rent or distribute personal information to any outside organization.

This web site may make message boards, forums, chat rooms, and/or news groups available to its users. Please understand that any information disclosed in these areas becomes public information. These areas shall be used in a non-commercial manner only. You shall not publish or otherwise distribute any content containing a solicitation of funds, advertising, promotion, solicitation for goods or services, or other commercial matter except where expressly authorized by Adventum Solutions, you agree not to store or collect data about other users on the web site.

Adventum Solutions may provide links to Internet sites maintained by others. Adventum Solutions is not responsible for the contents of, or any products or services offered in, those third party web sites. You should be aware when you are leaving Adventum Solutions web site and be sure to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects personally identifiable information. Any links provided by Adventum Solutions, to any third party web site are provided to you as a convenience only. You should not infer that Adventum Solutions, endorses or accepts responsibility for non- Adventum Solutions, web sites by the inclusion of any such links to those web sites.

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